18/10/2023, Brussels. On Wednesday, October 18th, the European project LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 attended and showcased its roll-up at the V Mediterranean Water Forum in Valencia. The project’s collaborating foundation, Finnova, represented the project at the event, which was attended by Abdelmonaam Belaati, the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources, and Fisheries of Tunisia.
This gathering brought together 120 participants from 14 Mediterranean countries, providing a platform to present the 6 selected themes for the region and foster discussions with experts to identify innovative solutions developed within the Mediterranean context.
Juanma Revuelta, CEO of Finnova, and Juan Viesca, Director of European Funds at the same foundation, actively participated in the event and emphasized the benefits of biogas and how the technology of LIFE ECOdigestion can contribute to the blue economy. They also highlighted its potential for transfer to different projects and sectors in support of the transition towards a more sustainable economy.
About Finnova Foundation
Finnova is a foundation working to promote and develop innovation and entrepreneurship at the EU level. Based in Brussels, it operates through collaborations and partnerships in all European Union countries. Finnova’s experience in leading communication and dissemination activities for European projects is combined with a proven track record in creating businesses and supporting entrepreneurial programs such as accelerators, incubators, and event selection and awards.
About Institut Méditerranéen de l’Eau (IME)
Institut Méditerranéen de l’Eau is a French association established in Rabat, Morocco, in 1982, under the French law of 1901. It brings together members from diverse backgrounds, who share a common interest in water-related issues in the Mediterranean region. It includes various stakeholders in this field, such as local and territorial authorities, government bodies, professionals (both public and private sectors), and individual experts. The IME’s primary objective is to facilitate and initiate regional cooperation actions in the management of water and related services among public and private institutions and operators in the Mediterranean region. It does so through its extensive network of partners, which includes water and sanitation managers, territorial authorities, specialized organizations, funding agencies, engineers, technicians, and academic researchers.
About Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)
Union for the Mediterranean is an international intergovernmental organization based in Barcelona, Spain, dedicated to promoting cooperation and dialogue between the countries of the Mediterranean region, both European and Arab. Through its policy forums, dialogue platforms and regional projects, UfM seeks to enhance digital cooperation, dialogue and the implementation of initiatives that have a real and tangible impact on the citizens of the region. UfM selects different regional cooperation projects that enhance partnerships and interactions between promoters, partners, and beneficiaries through the development of innovative initiatives. The three strategic objectives of the region that UfM’s activities address are: Human Development, Stability, and Integration.