#LIFE 30: Gathering Successful Former & Ongoing Projects, on Circular Economy by LIFE ECODIGESTION 2.0

LIFE ECODIGESTION 2.0 is excited about meeting you all, this Tuesday 31st of May!

Our event will hold a participation of several LIFE Programme projects, including our own. Those are also thrilled about sharing their path, experience and insights, on this challenging and visionary initiative.

The theme of the event whirl around the 30th anniversary of the LIFE programme. A moving encounter between the projects of the program, ones that have already completed successfully and can share their results, and the others that are underway. We are excited about creating a space of synergies and interaction, in which we will undoubtedly discover new horizons.

Our purpose is raising awareness about the environmental importance of promoting good practices for the treatment of waste and wastewater. Present inspiring and innovative real success stories within the framework of the European LIFE programme. Encourage collaboration between different sectors to achieve the common goal of sustainable waste treatment. Generate networks between real projects, promoting a collaboration space at European level. Attract new generations to get involved in the development of a new green industry model.

By this means we pretend to contribute to the EU Green Deal priorities. No net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050! Economic growth decoupled from resource use! No person and no place left behind!

In this event, we will expose good practices and convey to the public the benefits of the LIFE program.In order to explore alliances and support for the development of future projects. With 4 participation panels, structured by the institutional block, LIFE projects block, discussion and closing.

It is our pleasure to be joined byCésar Seoánez, Project Manager at the European Climate, Infrastructures and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). You will have the chance to hear from him about trending topics such as LIFE 2021 – 2027 Programme and the 2022 Call for Proposals. Moreover, he will give more details on two types of grants within the Circular Economy and Quality of Life Sub – Programme.

Right afterwards our guest projects, after introducing themselves, will start an open debate, commenting on several question that we have prepared! You will hear us debating about the perception of being a LIFE Programm’s project, about the challenges that has given them the implementation of their projects. All together, we will also give some advices, for future candidate project for the 2022 call!

Delighted to share this Green Week 2022 moment with amazing projects such:

LIFE BIOGASNET aims at demonstrating a new cost-effective and environmental friendly technology for biogas desulfurization based on biological processes, being able to obtain a high-quality biogas and final valuable by-products.

LIFE 3E aims to develop and demonstrate an innovative wastewater regeneration process at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of Comillas (Cantabria), capable of generating renewable energy in situ, taking advantage of the energy contained in the saline gradient (EGS) by Means of Reverse Electrodialysis (EDR).

LIFE INFUSION Recover energy, nutrients, and water from the landfill leachate and organic fraction municipal solid waste (OFMSW) liquid digestate. Reduce the environmental impact of OFMSW liquid digestate and landfill leachate generated in MSW treatment facilities.

Sounds interesting for you? So, join us! The event will start at 16:00 CEST, next Tuesday 31 of May!

Link for the inscriptions available HERE!